I don’t know why such a name was chosen for the blog, and initially I considered it temporary. But now, over time, I don’t see the point in changing it. Why?
Is it true that “Being Nothing” is bad? On the internet, there are many blogs about nothing, but I write about personal experience, and that’s something. Maybe it’s nothing?
But being nothing is not bad. It gives the freedom to be anything. At the same time, it deprives the freedom to be something specific. Being something specific, defined, can one speak of true freedom from any boundaries?
This is very much like me. Being in such a quantum superposition gives a lot of freedom and deprives a lot, but this strangeness makes me strangely happy.
Is that important? Probably, yes, although it’s sometimes sad. To be in eternal search without being able to fully taste the flavor of one specific choice.
Maybe I can make you happier too by sharing my wanderings in the world of life and the internet?
Write your thoughts in the comments, it’s interesting